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Есть ли у Пин Ап ставки до гроба киберспорт? Есть, в свой черед – немерено миллиончик.
The player has requested a tracking number multiple times but was ignored. The player later informed us that the money was at first rejected by the bank, but later on, he successfully received his winnings. Therefore, this complaint could be closed as resolved.
Easily the best Casino I've played at in a long time, registration and deposit were breeze, had Pretty good luck from the start. My $30 deposit lasted me about 12 hours,and cashed out $100. After requesting cash out, I had to verify my address, ID and phone number.
The casino also explained that the player needed to wager a specific amount before withdrawing, according to their terms and conditions. After fulfilling these requirements, the player confirmed that the withdrawal had been processed and received. We marked the complaint as 'resolved'.
The player from Portugal faced repeated rejections for withdrawal requests over the past week despite having completed and accepted account verification.
The player's verification is delayed for unknown reason. The complaint was resolved as the player got verified.
Depositing regularly while making a profit leads to exclusion from VIP program, cashback and all kinds of bonuses
The player from Germany had won €13,000 and encountered issues with the payout. Despite her account having been verified, the casino did not transfer the winnings and did not respond this site to her emails.
Дополнительно к этому – вам стоит только выбирать, повсечастно что вы хотите получить бонус, казино или ставки; другие букмекеры обычно дают бонус вдобавок повсечастно то, в свой черед перманентно то.
Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice.
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The user satisfaction feedback of PinoCasino shared by 28 users has resulted in a Mixed User feedback score. The reviews submitted by users are available in the 'User reviews' segment of this page.
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